
Terms & Conditions

These general conditions (the " General Conditions ") govern purchases made remotely through the website (the " Site " or " "), as well as the use of the Site, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 70/2003 on the services of the information society and electronic commerce and the provisions of Part III, Title III, Chapter I, of the Consumer Code, Legislative Decree 206/2005, as amended by Legislative Decree no. lgs. 21/2014.


The products offered on are sold directly by the company Michele Inzerillo Srl (" Michele Inzerillo " or " Inzerillo ") with registered office (coinciding with the geographical address where it is established) in Palermo, Viale Alcide De Gasperi n. 62 , registration with the Palermo Register of Companies, Tax Code and VAT no. IT04645570823, share capital of € 26,000, of which € 26,000 is paid, certified e-mail address .


Michele Inzerillo can always be contacted by e-mail ( - ), fax (+39 091 6704641) or by telephone (+39 091 518998).


The distance selling service governed by the General Conditions is available to consumers who are natural persons - who have reached the age of majority - who access the Site for purposes not related to commercial, professional or business activities that may be carried out (the " Consumer ") ), both for professional users, natural or legal persons who act in the exercise of their commercial, professional or business activity (the " Professional ") hereafter referred to as the " Customer ".


The General Conditions and the relative purchase procedures are available in Italian and English and are published on the Site to allow them to be known, as well as the memorization and reproduction by the Customer.


Michele Inzerillo reserves the right to make changes and / or additions to the General Conditions at any time.

The applicable General Conditions are those in force at the date of sending the purchase order by the Customer.


For any legal information, please also consult the following sections available on the Site: Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy.


Object of the contract

With this contract Michele Inzerillo sells and the customer purchases remotely, exclusively via the Internet, the products shown and offered for sale on the website .

Before formalizing the purchase offer, the Customer undertakes to read carefully these General Conditions - and the pre-contractual information, indicated below, which are provided before the validation of the order with payment obligation- and to accept them by checking the box prepared for this purpose.

The e-mail confirming the order (the " Confirmation e-mail ") will contain a link to the General Conditions to be stored and archived, in compliance with the provisions of art. 51, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014.


Availability of products

In the product sheets published on the Website, the availability by size and color of each item offered for sale is indicated in real time.

Nevertheless occasionally some articles presented on the Site may be unavailable when the order is placed by the Customer due to the simultaneous presence on the Website of multiple users.

In such event Michele Inzerillo will promptly inform the Customer by e-mail, and in any case within 30 days from the day following the order's forwarding, about the waiting time to obtain the selected good and in this case will ask the Customer if it intends to confirm the order, or rather the unavailability of the products ordered and will refund, without undue delay, the payment made.

There may be cases of partial or total unavailability of the products even following the sending of confirmation of the order by Inzerillo (specifically following the Confirmation e-mail). In this case the Customer will be immediately notified by e-mail and refunded without undue delay; this contract will be considered terminated by right.


Pre-contractual information and purchase procedure

  1. To access the contents of the Site and to make purchases, no compulsory registration by the Customer is required.
  2. The characteristics of each item offered for sale can be viewed through a special link to the product sheet containing the photographic images, the description of the article, the composition, the article code, the colors and sizes available (where existing), the unit price including the taxes, as well as the estimated delivery date (to be considered purely indicative).
  3. The unregistered customer inserts the product or products into the cart by clicking on the appropriate " add to cart " link. For each product inserted in the cart opens a card with the photographic image, the summary of the characteristics of the asset, the item code, the size, the color, the quantity selected, the price detail, as well as the total amount of the order , taxes, delivery costs (where provided), the space to indicate whether you are purchasing as a Consumer or a Professional.
  4. Once the option has been selected, you access a screen where you can enter the following mandatory data according to the chosen option: name and surname or company name, tax code, telephone number, e-mail address to receive communications, billing information , shipping data, as well as the choice of delivery methods (standard or express) and payment method (Paypal, credit card or bank transfer).
  5. Then clicking on the " continue " button the customer accesses the final screen containing the summary of the selected products and the total amount of the order.
  6. Before proceeding with the purchase order, the Customer is required to carefully check the contents of the cart.
  7. The customer can then change the order (delete products from the shopping cart by clicking on the basket and / or insert additional products), cancel the order by abandoning the page, confirm the order and proceed to payment.
  8. Once the contents of the cart have been checked, the Customer, in order to proceed with the purchase and confirm their order, is obliged to tick the box " I declare to have read carefully and accepted the General Conditions " that are visible through the link placed next to the check box
  9. The order process ends when the Customer clicks on the button " confirm the order and proceed to payment ", thus validating his order proposal. Following this confirmation, the content of the order proposal can no longer be changed.
  10. To simplify the purchase procedure and to have additional features such as the history of their purchases, the customer can register on the site by clicking on " register ". A tab opens in which to enter the access data (e-mail and password) as well as the shipping / invoicing data (name, surname, social security number, address and telephone number). This data will be used by Inzerillo solely for the management of the account and any purchase and, if the Customer declares to receive newsletters, by selecting the appropriate subscription option to the newsletter, also for this purpose. Once the registration process has been completed, the Customer will receive an e-mail of registration.
  11. The registered Customer can then make the purchase by logging in with his own credentials.
  12. Therefore before the validation of the order with payment obligation the Customer:
    - view on the Site a summary of the essential characteristics of the goods included in the cart, the total price including taxes with details of shipping costs and any other cost;
    - by reading these General Conditions, it receives the pre-contractual information that must be provided to the Consumer, in particular prices, payment and delivery methods, conditions and terms of exercise of the right of withdrawal, return costs, guarantees and after-sales assistance , the possibility of using an out-of-court complaint and appeal mechanism, the geographical address where Michele Inzerillo is established and the contact details.
  13. Each order proposal and the Customer data necessary for the purchase will be stored by Inzerillo for the period of time and in compliance with the conditions established by the current legislation.
  14. Any use of data for purposes other than the purchase will be subject to the prior explicit consent of the Customer as specified in the Privacy Policy section.
  15. After completing the order process by clicking on " confirm the order and proceed to payment ", the customer receives an e-mail with which Inzerillo communicates that he has received the order proposal. This e-mail does not constitute acceptance of the order proposal.
  16. The contract is concluded when the Customer receives, at the address indicated during the order, a subsequent e-mail with which Inzerillo confirms that the order has been accepted (the "Confirmation e-mail") .
  17. The Confirmation e-mail contains a summary of the conditions of the purchase such as: the description and the essential characteristics of the product or products chosen, the order number, the total price of the order, shipping costs (if any) ), of the applicable taxes and means of payment, the Customer's data, the delivery address, the link to the General Conditions.
  18. Inzerillo reserves the right not to accept the order proposal made by a Customer who has previously violated the General Conditions and / or has not fulfilled its obligations, with which a legal dispute is underway or there are disputes over previous orders , who has done or is suspected of having carried out illegal or fraudulent activities. In the aforesaid hypotheses no contract must be considered concluded and Inzerillo will communicate by e-mail, within 30 days from the day following the order, the non-conclusion of the contract and the cancellation of any debit made.


Customer's obligations

The Customer undertakes to print / store and keep this contract after the conclusion of the online purchase process described above.

In any case, the pre-contractual information and the information contained in the General Conditions have already been read and accepted by the Customer, who acknowledges it, as this step is mandatory before the confirmation of the order proposal.

The Customer has the right to access the Site and use the Site for consultation and purchase. No other use of the Site and its contents is permitted. The Site in its entirety as well as the individual elements that compose it, are owned by Inzerillo and are protected by intellectual property rights.


Method of archiving the contract

Each order proposal and the customer data required for the purchase will be stored by Inzerillo in digital form on its server for the period of time and in compliance with the conditions of confidentiality and security required by current legislation.


Prices and methods of payment

The selling prices of all the products offered on the Website are expressed in Euro and include VAT if due.

The products offered for sale on the Site are subject to the laws and regulations in force on customs and export control and therefore must be purchased, exported and used by the Customer in accordance with these regulatory provisions.

For purchases made from non-EU countries are indicated any import taxes or taxes (the payment of DDU import taxes is charged to the customer).

The shipping costs, if charged to the customer, are applied according to the shipping service chosen by the customer and indicated both during the selection phase and at the time of the conclusion of the purchase process before the customer clicks on the button " confirm the order and proceed to payment ".

For any additional cost, which should be applied, Inzerillo will inform the customer in advance.

Inzerillo reserves the right to change the prices of the articles at any time.

The purchased products are debited to the Customer at the price published on the Site during the purchase phase and precisely the price indicated in the shopping cart, on the summary page of the order in which the " confirm the order and proceed to payment " button is present.

In the event of errors that result in a substantial change in the price of the items such as to make it obviously excessive or derisory, the order will be canceled and the price reimbursed to the Customer within 14 days.

Inzerillo accepts only the payment methods indicated on the Website.

In the event that for any reason the charge of the amounts due by the Customer is not possible, the order is canceled and the contract is terminated as per the communication sent to the Customer.

In the case of payment via Paypal, the debit only takes place following the sending of the Confirmation e-mail and the preparation of the goods for shipment.

In case of payment by credit card, the Customer confirms and guarantees to be the holder of the credit card used and confirms the accuracy of all the relative data. The debit only takes place after the verification of the credit card details, the receipt of the debit authorization by the issuing company, as well as the sending of the Confirmation e-mail and the preparation of the goods for shipment.

If the Customer chooses to make the payment by bank transfer, Inzerillo indicates the bank details in the Confirmation e-mail. The Customer is obliged to provide a copy of the transaction made to the e-mail address support @ within and no later than 48 hours from the Confirmation e-mail; otherwise the order is canceled and the contract is terminated by right.

The shipment takes place only after the effective receipt of the order amount on Inzerillo's current account.


Delivery methods

The products are shipped to the address indicated and with the delivery method (Standard or Express) chosen by the Customer when ordering.


Inzerillo can not be held responsible if the Customer agrees with the shipping company a delivery address different from the one indicated in the order and reported in the Confirmation e-mail.


For security reasons, Inzerillo can not process shipments that are addressed to post office boxes.


Inzerillo undertakes to deliver the goods without undue delay and, however, no later than 30 days from the sending of the Confirmation E-mail, except in cases of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, or the unavailability of products. In the latter case, the Customer will be informed immediately by e-mail and refunded without undue delay. This contract will be considered terminated by right.


Upon delivery of the goods to the courier (DHL or UPS) the customer receives an e-mail notification from the same containing a tracking code and the link to access to monitor the progress of the shipment using the code.

(DHL: UPS: ).



If Inzerillo does not deliver the order within 30 days, the Customer is obliged to ask Inzerillo to make the delivery within an additional period appropriate to the circumstances, unless there are cases of exemption of the Customer from this charge under the law current. If the additional term expires in vain, the Customer has the right to terminate the contract, except for the right to compensation for damages.


Delivery is considered completed when the product is physically placed at the disposal of the Customer, or a third party designated by the same, at the address specified by the same in the order process. From that moment the Customer will assume the risk of loss or damage of the products purchased for reasons not attributable to Inzerillo.


The risk is transferred to the customer already at the time of delivery of the products to the courier if the latter has been chosen by the customer.


In the event of a negative outcome of the delivery, the purchased product will be returned to Inzerillo, the contract will be terminated by right and Inzerillo will refund the sum paid by the Customer and will cover the costs of delivery not successful, return costs to Inzerillo and custody fees.


At the time of delivery, the Customer is required to promptly verify the integrity of the package and the conditions of the product delivered.

Any damage to the product or packaging or the mismatch of the products to those ordered, must be immediately notified to the courier with written reservation on the proof of delivery of the courier.


In case of delivery problems or delays, the Customer is required to promptly report the incident to Inzerillo.



Product Compliance and Warranties

All products offered for sale on the Site are authentic and quality products that are supplied to Inzerillo by selected producers.

The product sheets published on the Website contain a description of the essential characteristics of the products on sale. Any errors or small differences between the descriptions contained in the Site and the actual product will be corrected as soon as possible by the report. The photographs can not in any way be considered as a contractual element.

In case of production defects or conformity defects, the Consumer will have the right to use the legal guarantee provided by the Consumer Code (articles 128 to 132 to which reference is made) and in particular to restore, without additional costs, the conformity of the product by repair or replacement, unless the remedy requested is objectively impossible or excessively burdensome with respect to the other. In the cases envisaged by law, the Consumer may request a reasonable reduction of the price or the termination of the contract (limited to the disputed goods) and the reimbursement of the relative price. The Consumer loses all rights if he does not report to Inzerillo the lack of conformity within two months from the date on which he discovered it.

In any case, Inzerillo is liable to the Consumer for only conformity defects that occur within two years from the delivery of the product.

The notification of the presence of defects and flaws must be sent in writing, by registered letter with return receipt or e-mail to Inzerillo at ; the tax documentation must be attached to it. Inzerillo will communicate by e-mail its willingness to process the request or the reasons that prevent it from doing so within seven working days from receipt of the complaint.

If it is possible to process the request, the Consumer must follow the return procedure for returning the product referred to in the following paragraph.

Any conventional guarantees relating to products sold on the Website are provided directly by the manufacturer.

The Professional has the right to use the legal guarantee provided for in the civil code. This guarantee provides among other things that the Professional, under penalty of forfeiture, denounces to Inzerillo any defect found in the product purchased within eight days of discovery. The legal guarantee is valid for the maximum term of twelve months from delivery.


Right of withdrawal for the Consumer - Returns and refunds

The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reasons, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the products (in the case of multiple purchases with a single order, from the day on which he receives the last product).

The Consumer who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal must notify Inzerillo, before the expiration of the withdrawal period, by an explicit declaration containing the decision to withdraw from the contract to be sent to Michele Inzerillo Srl, Viale Alcide De Gasperi n. 62, 90146 - Palermo, by registered mail to / ro e-mail ( ).

To this end, the Consumer may use the withdrawal form as per Annex I, Part B of Legislative Decree 21/2014 (not mandatory) reported on the standard withdrawal form page.

Following the correct exercise of the right of withdrawal, Inzerillo will send by e-mail the return instructions containing the waybill to be used for shipping, the indication of the address to which to send the goods, the indication of the courier to turn to for the return.

The Consumer must:

  • follow the instructions for return;
  • seal the parcel, affix the waybill and deliver the parcel to the courier.

It is specified that the transport costs related to the return of the product and / or products subject to withdrawal will be the sole responsibility of the Consumer and that the return is under the complete responsibility of the Consumer.

The Consumer is required to send back the goods to the address indicated by Inzerillo without undue delay and in any case within 14 days from the day in which he communicated the withdrawal. The deadline is met if the Consumer sends back the goods before the expiry of the 14-day period.

In the event that the Consumer makes a return from an extra-EU country, he is required to pay the international shipping costs and customs duties (DDP).

The return must come from the same country in which the product was shipped during the purchase.

The products must be returned intact, never used and / or worn, in the original packaging as an integral part of the product and inside the packaging Michele Inzerillo Srl, complete with all their parts as well as the label and security seal with which have been delivered, of any accessories received (envelopes, hangers, clothing covers, etc.) and related documentation. It is specified that the original Michele Inzerillo for Gentleman label must not have been removed from the product.

For sanitary and health reasons connected to the protection of health, bathing suits and intimate garments must be made complete with transparent label of hygienic protection, nor should the same be reapplied after removal.

Inzerillo will check the packaging and the status of each returned product; this because it is an essential requirement for the correct exercise of the right of withdrawal the absolute integrity of the product and its packaging.

The Consumer is responsible for the diminished value of the goods resulting from a handling of the goods other than that authorized by Inzerillo to establish the nature of the characteristics and functioning.

If Inzerillo refuses to return the goods due to incorrect use of the right of withdrawal by the Consumer, Inzerillo will send the relevant communication by e-mail and will not proceed with the re-crediting of the price, reserving the right to request compensation for any damage that may be attributable to the conduct of the Consumer. In this case the goods will be returned to the original shipping address unless otherwise indicated in the declaration of withdrawal.

If the right of withdrawal has been correctly exercised, Inzerillo will reimburse to the Consumer the price paid during the purchase phase related to the product and / or products returned within 14 days from the day on which the Consumer was informed of the decision to withdraw from the contract sale.

The reimbursement will take place through the same means of payment used by the Consumer unless otherwise indicated in the declaration of withdrawal.

Inzerillo reserves the right to withhold the reimbursement until it has received the returned product or products or until the Consumer proves to have shipped the product or products, whichever situation occurs earlier.

Restitution based on these General Conditions is permitted only in relation to products purchased through the Site.


Change of goods

The customer can request the exchange of goods to obtain the replacement of the product purchased with the same item in a different size without additional costs, except for the return shipping costs.

To this end, the Customer is required to follow the return procedure referred to in the previous paragraph declaring, in its communication to Inzerillo, that it intends to request a change of goods and specifying the requested size.

Inzerillo, having verified the possibility of making the change of goods, sends the customer an e-mail with which he confirms the change or not.


Intellectual property rights

The Site as a whole and all the material contained therein is owned by Michele Inzerillo and is covered by copyright and other intellectual property rights (copyright) in accordance with the law n. 633/1941. It is forbidden any use, total or partial, of the contents included in the Site, including the modification, printing, storage, reproduction, reprocessing, distribution or distribution of the same contents through any technological platform, support or telematic network, without prior written permission from of the right holder.

The Site may contain material protected by third party intellectual property rights. In such cases, the permitted uses must be verified with the owners or licensees of the related rights as identified from time to time.

The trademarks and "logos" appearing on the Site, such as product names published online, are trademarks owned by third parties and can not be used in such a way as to create confusion about the origin of the products without the prior written consent of the trademark owner. Unauthorized use of such trademarks, products and / or other proprietary rights is expressly prohibited and constitutes a violation of trademark and other industrial property law.


Communications and complaints

Written communications to Inzerillo and any complaints will be considered valid if sent to the following address: Viale Alcide De Gasperi n. 62, 90146 - Palermo or sent by e-mail to the following address: support @ .

Inzerillo's communications will be sent to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer during the purchase and / or registration of the Website.


Limitations of responsibility

Inzerillo declines all responsibility for disservices due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, also due to the malfunctioning of the Internet, if it fails to execute the order within the time specified in the contract.

Inzerillo can not be held responsible for any damages, losses and costs incurred by the Customer as a result of the non-execution of the contract for reasons not attributable to the same, since the Customer only has the right to return the price paid and any additional charges incurred

Outside of cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, Inzerillo will not be in any way responsible towards the Customer for indirect or consequential damages that may result from the purchase of products offered for sale on the Site.


Processing of personal data

Customer data is processed by Inzerillo in compliance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data, as specified in the information provided in the appropriate sections Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.


Applicable law and competent court

These General Conditions are governed by Italian law and will be interpreted on the basis thereof.

In the event of a dispute between Inzerillo and a Consumer, deriving from the interpretation and / or application of these General Conditions, the Court of the place of domicile or residence of the Consumer will be competent, or, at the Consumer's choice, the Court of Palermo .

Alternatively, the Consumer may promote one of the out-of-court settlement procedures required by current legislation; to this end it is noted that the European Commission provides a platform for alternative non-judicial dispute resolution accessible at .

In case of dispute between Inzerillo and a Professional, deriving from the interpretation and / or from the application of the present General Conditions, the Court of Palermo will have exclusive jurisdiction.


Update of 28/05/20